Be a League Member!


Why become a member...

The Lexington League of Women Voters is an organization of action, which in my mind, makes it stand out from other organizations in the city. If you are new to Lexington or new to movement work, the Lexington League of Women Voters is a great organization to get your started and acquaint you with all of the issues of the day. Everyone should be a member!

— Shayla Johnson, member since 2017


Please Join or Renew Online If Possible! The convenient ChapterSpot Portal is the most efficient way to begin or maintain your membership!

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When you become a member of the League of Women Voters of the United States , your membership extends to your local and state chapters as well! If you pay dues through the link on our website, you will be listed as a member of the League of Women Voters of Lexington and the League of Women Voters of Kentucky, unless you change your form to a different selection.   If you live outside of Lexington, you may join another local league or become Member-at-Large of LWV of Kentucky.

Your dues are good for a year of membership from the time you pay. When your renewal date approaches, the LWV of the US will send a payment reminder.

Membership rates are Pay What You Wish, beginning with a minimum amount of $20.00 per year. The suggested amount is $75.00 per year. We are committed to fostering a Diverse Membership! If you wish to join but cannot afford the minimum $20.00 dues, contact LWV of Lexington to ask about a member scholarship.

A set percentage of your dues payment goes to each level of the organization - National, State, and Local. Some parts of your dues may be tax deductible, depending on the tax status of the chapter you join. The LWV of Lexington is a 501(c)(3) organization, so our portion of your dues is tax deductible if you itemize. You will receive a receipt from LWVUS detailing the tax status of your dues amount.


If you have Problems Joining or Renewing on ChapterSpot, fill out this Form to report the issue. The LWVUS ChapterSpot Members Support will resolve your issue. LWV of Lexington’s League ID is KY107.

If you must pay by check, make your check payable to League of Women Voters of the United States. Download this membership form and return the check and form to the League of Women Voters of Lexington, P.O. Box 22045, KY 40522. We will register your membership for you.