Voter Registration 

Voter registration has always been an important mission of the League. We have been attending local festivals, 5k walks, and various events around town to register voters and to provide information about the voting procedure. League members have had a lot of fun engaging with the community, learning from citizens how the League can better serve our community.

Our volunteers facilitate online voter registration and distribute information on the voting process, how to contact elected officials, and how individuals with past felony convictions can get their voting rights restored.  We have several of our information brochures in both English and Spanish. The League needs both English and Spanish speaking, energetic volunteers to staff registration booths.  The process is simple, and the experience is fun and rewarding!

Volunteers are required to complete a free Voter Registration Training before registering voters with the LWV.


Weekdays and Weekends

 Various Locations

Connie Griffith Manor, Roots and Heritage Festival, Latino Festival, etc.