KY State Board of Elections

Find out how to vote in Kentucky if you are a college student. College students generally have the most options of all voters, but there are important deadlines you won’t want to miss!

Information for College Students from the State Board of Elections

League in AcTion APp

The League of Women Voters app helps you take civic action wherever you are! Never miss an election by allowing app notifications. The LWV of Lexington will send out reminders of important election reminders to help you navigate KY’s confusing voting schedule.

Download the League in Action App on iphone

Download the League in Action App on Android



CIRCLE is a non-partisan, independent research organization focused on youth civic engagement in the United States.

Find data about youth voting and more!

Circle- Tufts University has put together several resources to help college students learn more about the unique issues surrounding college students and voter registration. Voting in College FAQs State by State Voter Registration Guide