Volunteer Opportunities

Zoom Master

Volunteer that can help manage the technical aspects of our Zoom meetings to free facilitators to focus on meeting facilitation and content.

Programs Committee

Volunteers to help with planning and coordinating our community forums. Examples include voting information forums, civics education, community issues like the opioid epidemic, gun violence, etc.

Translator for written materials

Need volunteers to help translate voting information to French, Japanese and Spanish.

“Vote” Earrings

Need volunteer to track orders from website, fulfill orders, maintain inventory and order new stock from artist when inventory is low.

Volunteer must be a LWV member in good standing.
Estimated time per week: <1 hour.
Contact Jennifer Jackson at jennifer.jackson@lwvlexington.com

LWV History:
Research UK Archives

Need volunteer to assess what is stored in the UK Archives. Opportunity to compile a League of Women Voters of Lexington history.

Volunteer must be a LWV member in good standing.
Estimated time per week: Flexible.

LWV History:
Collecting Oral Histories

Need a volunteer to lead effort to collect oral histories from current and past League members. Training and resources are available for recording oral histories.

Volunteer must be a LWV member in good standing.
Estimated time per week: Flexible. ~1 hour per week.

Social Media

Need a volunteer to develop a list of annual Holidays/Occasions and develop social media content, including tweets, infographics for Instagram and Facebook, etc.

Volunteer must be a LWV member in good standing.
Estimated time per week: Flexible. ~1 hour per week.

Volunteer Organizer

Work with the software OutreachCircle to help organize and expand our volunteer efforts. There is support from national LWVUS to learn how to use the software and implement this powerful tool for our local League.

Public Service Announcements

Develop public service announcements on various topics including:
1.Civil Rights Restoration
2. Voter Registration Deadline Oct 5
3.Voting Info for Nov Election
4. Photo ID requirement