We Vote! Logo Black.png

The League of Women Voter of Lexington and The Jewish Federation of Bluegrass have partnered for the ‘We Vote!’ High School Voter Education and Registration Campaign.

  • Classroom Presentations about Voting

  • Voter Registration

  • Ongoing Voter Education Updates

  • Student Democracy Team

Stay in the know! With the League in Action App, you have the most current election information in one click. Also get election notifications and never miss a chance to have your voice heard!

Join the Student Democracy Team and support the youth voice in your community. We Vote! organizers can help you organize a voter registration drive, rally new voters to go to the polls. Student Democracy Team volunteers also have the opportunity to create content for our app and social media campaigns.

Click to Join!

Click to Volunteer

‘We Vote!’ Classroom presentations are powered by adult volunteers. We also need volunteers to help with graphic design, scheduling, trainings, and mentoring the Student Democracy Team members.

There are lots of ways to get involved!

This Work is supported in part by the League of Women VOters of THe United States Educational Fund.